It’s time to finalize preparations for the new school year. Sad that I am doing that and it is still July, but, oh well. That’s the way it goes.

Tonight I have been pondering my grading scheme and how to tweak it for class this year. I have done some hybrid versions of SBG in the past, but last year I felt like I drifted too far back into the world of traditional grading. Here are my thoughts for this year:

[I teach Algebra 2 on a trimester schedule. Algebra 2 is a 3 trimester course, but students move from teacher to teacher during the year. I may have a student for 1, 2, or all 3 terms.]

A student’s final grade will be portioned as follows:

5% ACT warm-up questions  M-Th students will get 5 questions to work on. Grades will not be taken. Friday students will have a “quiz” consisting of 10 questions similar (but not identical) to those completed during the week.

20% Cumulative Common Assessments  These tests will be given every 4 weeks (so there will be a total of 3 during each term); exams will last 2 days. I am either going to split the 2 days into multiple choice & free response OR calculator & no calculator. These exams are cumulative for the entire year and the grades are final. No reassessments are permitted. Obviously, this is the nonSBG portion of the course.

70% Learning Target Assessments  These will be given every Friday (?) and each LT will be assessed twice and reassessment will be encouraged (and required for scores below a 3 on a 4 point scale). I am struggling between whether or not I should average the two scores, count the highest score, or count the most recent. I know the reasons for using each method…averaging should make each assessment “count” so they actually study and prepare for it…counting the last score is a better indication of what they really know…counting the highest gives them credit for having learned the material at some point.

5% Soft Skills  This will incorporate tardiness, timely completion of assignments, classroom participation, etc.

Well, that’s the brain dump for now. I’m not sure I worked through anything, but at least I have a plan on paper and that’s a start. Sometimes that’s just what it takes to get the ball rolling.